Our investment ethos is distinct in the following ways:
Finding intrinsically good value. We aim to avoid emotionally driven herd behaviour by understanding the true ‘sum of the parts’ before investing.
We don’t try to time the market but focus on long term investments which we monitor closely over time to ensure they deliver the expected result. We will however make strategic asset rebalances where we believe short term risk is higher than acceptable market volatility.
Know what you own. It is essential to understand what you are investing in and how the asset should perform at different points in the market cycle.
Be prepared to be contrarian. Going against the grain won’t always be the right decision, but at key times it is critical not to follow the crowd.
Diversify across the globe and research all asset classes. This is essential in order to maximise return while minimising risk.
Avoid excessive diversification though. The pursuit of diversification should not override the selection of good long term investments vs poor or inefficient investments.
Avoid fixating on benchmarks. An index benchmark will always contain some sub-optimal investments.
Prefer liquidity and efficiency. An attractive investment may only be available in a format which ultimately negates the investment premise.
Minimise bureaucracy. The investment process must be allowed sufficient freedom without excessive restrictions.
Understand the investments we are investing into; research is a high priority of how we invest. We are continually reviewing all approved investments. If we cannot get enough information on the viability of an investment, we will not invest in it.

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(08) 8377 7501 office@intechwealth.com.au
Unit 7, 435 Fullarton Road, Highgate SA 5063 49 Murray Street, Tanunda SA 5352